Build-A-Queer Kits


Gear up for our latest restock of gender affirming items just for you - for FREE!

Free, for real.
Because gender-affirming care should be accessible
Low Barrier
No credit card needed, ever.
Items tailored to your unique gender expression
Discreet Shipping
And with a tracking number to protect your privacy

With some items donated from:

Important Notice

Do NOT place more than one order. Do not place an order before the restock. Doing so will result in your order immediately being cancelled and your disqualification from our Build-a-Queer Kit program.

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Step One:

Begin Here - Select either a binder or a roll of Gender Grip tape, but no more than one. If you do not want either of these items, you may skip and proceed to the next step.

Please note: Due to the ending of GC2B's binder donation program, our inventory of binders is very limited. To supplement this, we are offering our more supplies of Gender Grip tape.

Step Two:

You can pick up to a total of three items from the Gender Expression Toolbox and Queer Finds & Extras section, in any combination. Please ensure that you choose no more than one of an item, and carefully read the description of each item before making your selection.

Step Three:

Congratulations on building your kit. Now it's time to head to checkout. Simply head to your cart to begin the checkout process. If you haven't logged in or created an account, you'll be prompted to do so. You are NOT permitted to place more than one order - doing so will result in all orders being cancelled.

For any questions, comments, concerns, etc. please email us at